
Name Description Content
  • 祝贺艾科瑞思再获最具创新活力企业奖
  • 艾科瑞思橙色风景线亮相央视一套《新闻联播》
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  • 高校讲座 | 常理工电气与自动化工程学院新生入学教育系列
  • 演讲 | 9月8-10日 中国半导体封装测试技术与市场年会
  • 新闻 | 艾科瑞思做客第一财经《首席评论》
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  • 艾科瑞思获评2018年度国家硬科技新锐企业
  • 艾科瑞思董事长入选第四批国家“万人计划”
ACCURACY is a professional semiconductor pick & place equipment supplier, who researches, designs, builds and markets the high performance die attach machines. We focus on the development of die bonders with characteristics of high speed, high accuracy, more intelligence, to provide the best-of-breed semiconductor assembly solutions for customers in areas such as IC, RF module, optical transceiver, camera, MEMS sensor, IGBT, etc. Our value proposition is our leading-edge machine vision and motion control technology, semiconductor assembly process know-how including Heterogeneous Integration, Wafer Level Fan-Out, Multi-Chip Packaging, CMOS Sensor Assembling, High-precision Dispensing etc.

In order to offer customers with our best products and services in China, ACCURACY has established sales offices and R&D centers in Suzhou and Shenzhen, and continuously endeavors to become the strategic partner of the top-tier customers in the semiconductor industry.





Service phone :

0512-5226 0898                               189 0061 6020

0512-6593 8761

180 1310 3390

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